Monday, October 8, 2012

Allow me to introduce myself!

My name is Elissa and I am the mother to three precious children; DD is my 10-year-old boy, Dessy is my 7-year old girl, BabyD is my now 2-year-old baby girl. I married my high school sweetheart and we'll be celebrating our tenth anniversary this coming March!

My husband is African American, I am Caucasian, and our kids all have different types of hair. Ever since my first child sprouted that first curl, I've have so much advice given to me by friends, family, random strangers at the grocery store, and information on the internet. The thing is, everyone seems to have such varying opinions and they all seem so sure that their way is the only way to care for my kids' hair. I began to think to myself that it would be helpful if I could record all these hair rules, advice, and opinions so that I can try everything and be able to find what truly works best for us.

Lately, I've become bold enough to start asking other moms, “How do you take care of your kid's hair?” and I have found that more times than not, they admit that they don't know exactly what to do, but they tell me what they've been doing and many moms seem to very open to new ideas too.

Something that I find to be an important factor is where these people are getting their tips from. Personal experience with trial and error? Something they were taught? If so, was it another average Joanne or a beauty school? The year in which they were taught is important too, because TIMES HAVE CHANGED and every year that passes, we learn more about hair in general and there are new products that come out. There are so many controversial issues in life, in parenting, and in hair. I am going to explore all I can and I welcome you to join me on this journey!

P.S. Please don't go crazy if I don't use the correct terms all the time; "Caucasion", "African-American", "multi-racial" etc. My husband and I are comfortable enough to use "White", "Black", and "Mixed", and we don't think it is offensive in any way. (And quite frankly, it just takes longer to type) I hope you feel the same. Feel free to contact me and share any suggestions you may have!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!!

    You & L always were so good with hairdos...
    I'm all thumbs.

    Call it a hunch, but i have a feeling that you will soon have a strong following in Brazil. :)


I always welcome comments and advice but PLEASE be kind or I won't publish your comment.